March 28th

Moss Eccles Tarn


There are occasions when fishing and other pleasures combine. Of course we often make such events happen by a little surreptitious planning and a few phone calls. I had the joy recently to meet family and friends in the Lake District and to escape for a day's fishing.

It was a little early for the high tarns, and sadly lakes like Windermere are not as wonderful as they once were. But a call to Windermere, Ambleside & District Angling Association, WADAA, quickly sorted out a small tarn at mid altitude that might contain an overwintered brown trout or two.

Moss Eccles Tarn has the distinction of once being owned by Beatrix Potter. She is said to have enjoyed evenings beside the lake. I can understand her delight, as the tarn has a charm all of its own. A mix of plantings of exotic lakeside trees and a small dam combine with wild scenery to create a unique ambiance. And there were large overwintered trout to be caught on traditional patterns like Bumbles.




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Moss Eccles Tarn

Moss Eccles trout